Earth Week 2020

We may be staying home but we can still change the world when we join together. Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day by connecting with the power of art, poetry and storytelling.

Celebrate the Earth Day week with us:

  • Embracing Land Acknowledgement: Learn to write a Land Acknowledgment with Miccosukee artist and activist Houston Cypress, in collaboration with Reading Queer. Wednesday, April 22, (Earth Day) 12 PM EST
  • Remaking Our World – Infinitely Yours: Watch a special encore performance of Miwa Matreyek’s Infinitely Yoursfollowed by a post-show Climate Chat with national activists Carlos Zegarra, founder/director of Sachamama, and Keya Chatterjee, executive director of the US Climate Action Network. Wednesday, April 22, (Earth Day) 9 PM EST
  • Owning The Narrative – The Truth Has Changed: Experience the return of award-winning director Josh Fox, with an encore performance of excerpts from The Truth Has Changedfollowed by a post-show Climate Chat with climate activists Susan Glickman of Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and Colette Pichon Battle of Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy. Thursday, April 23, 7 PM EST
  • Using Words For Change – EarthVerse with Hipólito Arriaga, Marnino Toussaint, and Sáshily Kling. Connect to the power of words with EarthVerse, the first in a new series of climate-themed virtual performance poetry readings for the future of the planet. Friday, April 24, 7 PM EST

Join the movement and stay tuned to, our newsletters and social media for more information on all we’ve planned for Earth Day! 


Wednesday, April 22 at 12pm Embracing Land Acknowledgement with Houston Cypress

Wednesday, April 22 at 9pm Remaking Our World – “Infinitely Yours” Q&A with Miwa Matreyek

Friday, April 24 at 7pm Using Words For Change – EarthVerse