Live Arts Miami, Miami Film Festival and PAMM present:


Directed by Sam Green
Music composed by JD Samson

Saturday, April 6, 2024
1:00 PM & 3:30 PM
Perez Art Museum Miami- PAMM

“The Greatest Documentary You’ve Ever Heard.” – Rolling Stone

32 Sounds is an Oscar shortlisted immersive documentary and profound sensory experience from filmmaker Sam Green featuring original music by JD Samson. The piece weaves together 32 audio experiences, crafting a cinematic poem as a meditation on the power of sound to bend time, cross borders, and profoundly shape our perception of the world around us.

Critically acclaimed as an “audiovisual marvel”, the performance has received rave reviews from The New York Times, Variety, Vox and others and has toured prestigious venues including the Brooklyn Academy of Music, the National Gallery of Art, and the Sundance Film Festival. The title is a nod to “32 Short Films About Glenn Gould” and the film is centered around a series of vignettes, each about a specific audio recording that hits an emotional, political, or conceptual note.

A film about sound, the performance itself will be focused on the experience of hearing and listening, complete with live narration by Sam Green and individual headphones for each audience member to create an incredible binaural sound mix.

This live cinema experience sits at the intersection of film and performance, pushing the boundaries of both forms while celebrating the collective in-person experience. By entering into Green’s poignant aural-visual landscapes, we revisit memories, we imagine, and we bridge time and space in ways both intensely personal and interconnected. 32 Sounds invites audiences to join this communal experience with open ears, and never hear the world the same way again.

Produced by ArKtype, The Department of Motion Pictures, Impact Partners, Wavelength Productions and Free History Project.


Perez Art Museum Miami -PAMM
1103 Biscayne Blvd
Miami, FL – 33132

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