Revitalize the Live Arts, Support Working Artists, Promote Cultural Democracy. 

Find out how you can make a difference today.

We depend on the generosity of individual donors to help fund our year-round programs and initiatives. Your contribution enables us to continue our efforts to empower Miami’s performing artists and audiences at this most critical time, and we are truly thankful.

In the face of rapidly diminishing funding and disappearing platforms for the performing arts, impactful community programs like our LALA (Live Arts Lab Alliance) Artist Residencies help to sustain the vitality of the live arts ecosystem in Miami, facilitating innovative forms of interdisciplinary and cross-cultural exchange among the city’s artists, audiences, and students.

LALA impacted and transformed my practice by providing me enough time and space to experiment with the new ideas introduced and cultivated during our cohort feedback sessions.– LALA Artist in Residence, 2018-19 Cohort.

In pursuit of cultural democracy, radical inclusivity and open access during these challenging times, our programs work to equip artists, students and the community at large with the skills, resources and tools needed to work for communal change—but we can’t do it alone. 

We are a people’s stage, built from the ground up and uplifted by the very people we serve, and we depend on your generous support to continue this important work. 

Join the movement to activate the live arts and fan the flame of positive change in South Florida. Safeguard our powerful community programs and initiatives.