Culture Chronicles
Your premier digital platform for staging contemporary debates, dialogues and conversations on and off the live arts stage. National and international performing artists, cultural producers, and community activists are just some of the change-making contributors to expect in this dynamic series of thought-provoking insights, guest posts, essays and op eds. Your source for views and news on the performing arts, written by the stage light glow.

Shamar Watt: “Summon” Review
On Sunday, September 24, 2023, I attended “Summon” at the Sandrell Rivers Theater in Miami. This production was presented by Live Arts Miami, Third Horizon, and Diaspora Vibe Cultural Arts Incubator and featured Jamaican-American Shamar Watt’s latest…

Music as Resistance – Reviving Haiti’s Rebel Radio Station
There are more questions than answers in Leyla McCalla’s remarkable new project, Breaking The Thermometer to Hide the Fever. What does democracy look like? Who does it work for? How long can it last?
On its surface, the piece explores the legacy…

Dance is Change, in Motion
How a Dancer from Kansas City and her Ground-breaking Company Revolutionized North American Dance, and How You Can Join the Movement Too.
Change is in the A.I.R.
Can you feel it? It’s time to move, create, take flight.
February is almost out. March…

The Misfit’s Guide to Queermas Miracles: Taylor Mac Makes Diamonds from Coal
We must have been really nice this year. Maybe we got a special, COVID-era pass for our usual sun-baked naughtiness from the jolly man up North, the only bearded man all Miamians truly love. Maybe it’s some sort of technical glitch.
But whether Santa’s…

How to Build a Bridge Across 11,000 Miles: The Story of a Film
Eight Artists and Two Diasporas, and the Enigmatic Song that Brought Them to Miami.
Stories, like music, thread the fabric of our lives and hold our communities together. The stories we tell ourselves matter. They form who we are, shape our world…

Allow Us to Re-Introduce Ourselves
Hi! You may have heard our name is changing…
You used to know us as MDC Live Arts. Now, we go by Live Arts Miami.
We’re turning 30 this year—yes, the big 3-0. Three whole decades of impactful live arts programming in the community.…

A Dream Loud and Galvanizing
Creative Climate Action in the Wake of Global Crisis
Our View from Backstage.
Last year, MDC Live Arts kicked off its latest season of groundbreaking, genre-bending performances by talented artists from throughout the nation, and all over the world:…

Hello, 2020! This is Art in Public Spaces
Large groups of people weave in and out of a shared promenade, gathering at a choreographed location. They are artists and content producers, marketers, and social media experts, cultural workers, and concerned citizens -a mass of accumulated skill and…

We Need a New Planet, Mom!
Mothering is hard. In Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, “mother” is defined as a female parent, a woman in authority, a source, origin or, when used as a verb, to care or protect. In today’s world, being a mother can be quite challenging.